
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Time is flying by! Day 14

Well I have again not posted for a few days : (  My mom had surgery a few weeks ago she unfortunately tripped over the dog leash and broke her hip : ((  So because of no available OR time she sat for almost a week before her surgery so instead of a quick fix they had to do a full hip replacement : (  I really love living in Canada and I can't really complain about our health care as we are pretty lucky to have health care!!  But geez the cutbacks hurt!  So recovery is hard especially when we (her kids) all live far away. My one sister has been awesome she left her whole family behind to stay with my my dad while my mom was in the hospital and after my mom came home.  She was there for over 3 weeks straight!!! So on the weekend she got to go home and my other sister stayed with them on the weekend, and I went Sunday and came home today!  It is so hard to help with 4 kids lol     I would definitely be there more but its near impossible with 2 still in school : (  So my hubby had a few days off and my sister lives close and she took my 2 year old and I went up with the baby : )

So got a little off track, not much!!  I did do lots of work while there, cooking cleaning etc and I am exhausted but was totally worth it.  My parents have been there for all of us since we were born we owe this to them.  And to be honest I enjoyed it : )  Now I am glad to be home with my family, and even only after 5 days I give tons of credit to my sister for her 3 plus weeks : )  She is awesome!

So now Home Sweet Home : )  Time to work my butt off only a few more weeks, need to get this weight
off!!! LOL

Goodnight : )